With our weekly commitment to one another, we become invested into each other’s businesses. We learn about each of our different businesses and how to listen for referral clues when chatting to clients, friends, and family members. Since there is only one seat per profession, YOU become the expert. We look to YOU to educate us on your business and why YOU are superior to your competitors. But we also become invested in each other personally and natural friendships develop within the group. We WANT to help each other succeed and we WANT to give referrals to help us grow. We also have a lot of fun!
This is where we are different than most other networking groups! Instead of looking to profit off of business professionals, we believe our membership dues can be reinvested back to our community. And what’s better than giving back?
Money remaining at the end of the year after all necessary business expenses and charitable contributions throughout the year will be put into one large check. We will collectively decide which local charitable organization gets the profits from our dues.
Ideally, we will be donating anywhere from $10,000 – $30,000 each year to local charities in our community.
With our application fee and membership dues, we pull a background check on every member of our organization. This helps ensure that someone you refer from the group has been thoroughly vetted and is safe for your family, friends, neighbors and clients to give you peace of mind.
If you are looking to network with other professionals in the Westfield, IN area, join our networking group!